
What a feeling!

The first shoe samples for Loly in the sky are finally ready
I cannot begin to describe how this feels , as always the best feelings are those that have no words to describe them...

Here´s to that feeling and Here´s to the wonderful women that will write the story of their lives not letting anyone else hold the pen and will choose to wear these lovely shoes to waltz through life like goddesses!

This is a sneak peek of what the spring collection will bring...

I want to give special thanks to my friend and talented artist Mike Durán who through his lens captured the magic of that undescribed feeling.

(Quiero darle las gracias a mi amigo y talentoso artista Mike Durán quien atravez de su lente capturó la magia de ese sentimiento que no se puede describir)


My shoes are a reminder

Do you want to grow up?”

Loly thought for a moment. ‟Yes, I think I do.”

‟Even if it means never seeing the fairies again?”

‟It doesnt matter, not seeing them again,” said Loly ‟I´ll never forget them, like everybody else who grows up. Because I have the shoes, That´s why they are so important. Whenever I start to forget or pretend I never knew they existed, I can look at my shoes and I´ll remember.”



noun, plural -lies.
British Informal .
a piece of candy, especially hard candy.
a treat.
a small bribe or gratuity.